A downloadable Chicken Gun for Windows

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This is a lumia port of chicken gun which is backported from Unity 2019 to the latest Unity that windows phones can handle (which is Unity 2018.1.9f2). This chicken gun port is based on 1.2.6 so expect joining into chicken gun private servers! This port actually works if you know what you are doing unlike my other attempt... 

WARNING: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LUMIAS CRASHING DURING THIS PROCESS!! (ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/40uucnioc4s15j7/Chicken+Gun+Lumia+Port+(Made+By+n...) This is the complete guide how to install chicken gun lumia port into your lumias!


- Visual Studio 2017 With These Configs (Make Sure You Have This Windows 10 SDK!! https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=845298):

- A Lumia (Around the x40 and x50 range) [Any Lumia With Windows 10 Mobile Will Work Fine]

- A MicroUSB / USB C Cable


1st step: Download the game's build and extract it's zip 

2nd step: Locate This File:

3rd step: Make sure you opened VS2017 And Dragged The File Into VS2017.

4th Step: Goto Build--> Build Solution And wait for it to finish:

5th Step: Connect Your Lumia With a Micro USB / USB-C Cable And Press This Button:

6th Step: Make sure you keep your lumia on during the debug process otherwize it will fail.

7th Step: You Will Get Your Chicken Gun On Your Lumia!

Known Issues:

- Touch Controls have bugs which makes the game a bit broken to play.

- Some Shader Bugs can be seen

- T Posing mobs (For Some Reason)

- The Shop Is backported to Unity 2018.1.9f1 So expect some small bugs.

- Lag Can be expected because some lumias have dx10 issue causing unity lag.


If you wanna check my other chicken gun port (which is windows port), then here you go i guess: Chicken Gun Windows Port by nonogamer9

If you wanna check out the telegram, then here you go: https://t.me/CGWindowsPortOfficial


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Chicken Gun Lumia Port

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